Mnóstwo broni! Całkowicie nowy arsenał broni stworzony dla Minecrafta!
2 polubień
180 pobrań
The 1.18.x version of the mod is still ongoing! A lot has changed for this version! Stay tuned for version 3.0.0 coming soon.
The second Release Candidate version "2.2.0" for Minecraft version 1.16.5 is out now!
A lot has changed with this version! Find out about the changes in the changelog available here:
[IMPORTANT for the 1.12.2 version]
This mod has replaced compatibility for Better Combat Rebirth with RLCombat, an updated fork of that mod. Find it here:
This mod now contains version 0.7 of Mixin. This might present compatibility issues with other mods using different versions of Mixin. This should be fixable by adding this mod:
IMPORTANT: The 1.15.2 and 1.16.x versions contain a significant amount of balancing changes. If the rebalancing is not desirable for you, then the changes can be reverted. You will need to change the values in the config file. A config file has been provided to change these values back (except for the Quarterstaff damage, which *severely* needing buffing), found here:
Place the config file in the config folder in your mod instance, overwriting the old one to change them back.
Weapons Galore! A whole new arsenal of weaponry made for Minecraft. Inspired by Balkon's WeaponMod, it adds new versions of weapons from that mod, as well expanding the arsenal with a bunch of original weapons, including a variety of swords, polearms, blunt and ranged weapons.
Most of these weapons can be made from the five vanilla tool materials, and each type of weapon has different properties that help with combat in certain situations, such as extended reach, damage bonuses, etc.
There is now compatibility with these modded materials (as of beta-1.1):
Copper, Tin, Bronze, Steel, Silver, Invar, Platinum, Electrum, Nickel & Lead
What it has so far:
Basic Materials
To craft any weapon in the mod, you will need to make either a Handle or a Pole.
Recipes in spoiler tag below.
Handles can be crafted individually with a piece of string or 4 at a time using either leather or wool
The Leather in the above recipe can be substituted for Wool of any colour.
Poles can be crafted in a similar way.
And of course, the Wool in the Pole recipe can be substituted for Leather.
Additionally, you can craft Explosive Charges, which are used in Explosive Arrows and Dynamite.
Bladed Weapons:
Fast attack speed, but low damage. Can be thrown at foes in a pinch.
Properties: Throwable
Stronger damage, but slightly slower attack speed.
Properties: Two-Handed I & Sweep I
High damage, extended reach and deals full damage to multiple foes. Unwieldy and slightly slow attack speed.
Properties: Reach I, Sweep III & Two-Handed II
Faster attack speed, but deals fairly low damage. Does more damage to foes without chest armour.
Properties: Chest Damage Bonus & Two-Handed I
Slightly faster attack speed, but deals slightly low damage. Does more damage to foes without chest armour.
Properties: Chest Damage Bonus, Damage Absorption & Sweep I
Significantly faster attack speed, but deals quite low damage. Does significantly more damage to foes without any armour.
Properties: Unarmored Damage Bonus & Damage Absorption
Blunt Weapons:
Low damage but very cheap to craft. Now available in other materials!
Properties: Sweep II & Reach I
Average damage for wood, though slightly slow. Can be crafted without the need of a crafting table. Can be upgraded to a Studded Club, for better damage.
Properties: Nauseous Blow
Battle Hammer (formerly Hammer)
High Damage, but very slow to use. Can knock foes back further away.
Properties: Enhanced Knockback & Nauseous Blow
Average damage, but quite slow attack speed. Has 50% armour piercing damage.
Properties: Armour Piercing & Two-Handed I
Cestus (Greek-Roman leather knuckles) (formerly Caestus)
Very fast attack speed, but also very low attack damage. Can be upgraded to the Studded Cestus for increased damage.
Properties: Quick Strike
Polearm Weapons:
Slightly slow attack speed and slightly low damage, but the attack can hit foes from further away.
Properties: Reach I
High Damage, but quite slow attack speed. Has extended reach and can breach the foe's shield.
Properties: Shield Breach, Reach I & Two-Handed II
Slightly low attack damage and slightly slow attack speed. Has a longer reach than other polearms, such as the Spear.
Properties: Reach II & Two-Handed I
Average damage, but quite slow attack speed. Does extra damage when the user is riding a mob or entity like a Horse.
Properties: Reach I, Damage Bonus & Sweep I
1.12.2 Recipe 1.14.4+ Recipe
Ranged Weapons:
An upgraded version of the vanilla Minecraft Bow. Has extra range and damage, but takes a bit longer to draw fully.
Heavy Crossbow (formerly Crossbow)
A ranged weapon with does significant damage, and has a better range than a Longbow. Needs to be loaded before every shot.
Uses Bolts as ammo. Bolts come in Iron or Diamond variants. Bolts can also be tipped like Arrows can, as well as having Glowstone applied to them to make Spectral Bolts.
1.12.2 Recipe 1.14.4+ Recipe
Bolt Recipes:
Throwing Knife
Throwing weapon which has average range and damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Now stackable up to 16! [1.14.4 only]
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)
Tomahawk (formerly Throwing Axe)
Throwing weapon which has lower range but higher damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Now stackable up to 8! [1.14.4 only]
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)
Throwing weapon which has a long range and decent damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Now stackable up to 4! [1.14.4 only]
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)
New Weapons from beta-1.2.0:
Throwing weapon that returns to the thrower, regardless of if it encounters an obstacle. Now bounces off of surfaces! [1.14.4 only]
Properties: Throwable
A hard hitting and heavy weapon that also doubles as a wood chopping tool.
Properties: Two Handed I & Versatile (Axe)
A slightly slow but average damaging weapon that does extra damage to undead mobs.
Properties: Damage Bonus (Undead)
New Weapons from beta-1.3.0:
A somewhat slow weapon with average damage, extended reach and the ability to hit non-direct foes with 50% normal damage in a sweep.
Properties: Two-Handed I, Reach I & Sweep II
1.12.2 Recipe 1.14.4+ Recipe
Weapon Traits (Formerly know as Weapon Properties):
Each of the weapons (with the exceptions of the Quarterstaff, Caestus, Longbow and Crossbow) have various weapon traits to give you different strategic options during combat.
Weapons with this trait can be thrown at foes, dealing the weapon's damage to the foe it hits. Applies to the Dagger, Throwing Knife, Throwing Axe and the Javelin.
Weapons with this trait are rather cumbersome to carry around and are optimally used with both hands. Attempting to use any item in your offhand will result in a Mining Fatigue effect being inflicted to the player.
Two-Handed I will inflict Mining Fatigue II, while Two-Handed II will inflict Mining Fatigue III.
Applies to the Longsword (I), Katana (I), Greatsword (II), Warhammer (I), Halberd (II) and the Pike (I)
Damage Bonus
Inflicts bonus damage to foes, depending if they have certain armour equipped or not.
Applies to the Dagger (3x to foes attacked from behind, either by melee attack or throwing it), Katana (2x to foes without Chestplate), Saber (Same as Katana), Rapier (3x to foes without any armour) and the Lance (2x to foes while the user is riding something like a horse)
Melee Block
Deflects melee damage when holding the Use key, like a Shield. Projectiles will not be blocked though.
Applies to the Parrying Dagger
Damage Absorption
Absorbs 25% of weapon damage inflicted to the user as durability damage to the weapon.
Applies to the Saber and Rapier
Weapons with this trait , due to their length, are able to hit foes from further away.
Reach II increases the hit distance even further.
Applies to the Greatsword (I), Spear (I), Halberd (I), Pike (II) and the Lance (I)
Sweep (formerly Wide Attack)
Weapons with this trait will inflict 1 attack damage (for level I), half attack damage (for level II) or full attack damage (for level III) to all targets that get hit by the sweep attack. Weapons without this trait will not have any sweep attack at all.
Applies to the Longsword(I), Saber(I), Greatsword (III), Lance(I), Glaive (II) and Quarterstaff (II)
[1.12.2 only]
Weapons with this property will inflict half attack damage (for level I) or full attack damage (for level II) to all targets that get hit by the sweep attack.
Applies to the Greatsword (II), Glaive (I) and Quarterstaff (I)
Enhanced Knockback
Weapons with this trait will knock foes further away.
Applies to the Hammer
Nauseous Blow
Inflicts the Nausea II effect on a foes the weapon hits for 5 seconds.
Applies to the Club and the Hammer
Armour Piercing
50% of the damage from a the weapon ignores the foe's armour.
Applies to the Warhammer
Shield Breach
Has a chance to make a foes shield unusable for a period of time, just like using an axe does.
Also works on Shields from other mods, like my own Spartan Shields.
Applies to the Halberd
Quick Strike
Shortens the struck foe's hurt resistance time, enabling the weapon using this property to hit the foe much more frequently than normal.
Applies to the Caestus
Versatile (Axe)
The weapon with this trait can be used as an axe.
Applies to the Battleaxe
Miscellaneous Items:
New Arrows
You can also make Arrows out of various materials such as Wood, Iron and Diamond.
Cause some bruises with Wooden Arrows, blast some Metal at your enemies with an Iron Arrow, or fling your bling with Diamond Arrows. The choice is yours!
You can even attach an Explosive Charge onto an Arrow for an Explosive Arrow. They explode on impact with a entity or a surface.
Dynamite can be lobbed at a short distance to either blow up your enemies or cause some damage to the terrain. Detonates after 3 seconds. Terrain damage can be disabled by the "mobGriefing" Gamerule or in the config file.
A convenient storage solution for carrying lots of Arrows and Bolts! Comes in three varieties: Light (4 stacks), Medium (6 stacks) and Heavy(9 stacks). Right Click the item in your hand to access it's inventory.
Arrow Quiver Old 1.12.2 version (prior to 1.4.0) New version (1.12.2-1.4.0 and 1.14.x and above)
Bolt Quiver Old 1.12.2 version (prior to 1.4.0) New version (1.12.2-1.4.0 and 1.14.x and above)
Quivers passively provide Arrows or Bolts to the player from their own inventory (if there is any available) when they equip the appropriate weapon:
They also place the Arrows or Bolts back into the quiver when you unequip the Bow or Crossbow.
IMPORTANT: You need to place Arrows or Bolts into the appropriate Quiver before you can use them. Just right click the Quiver in your main hand to access the Quivers inventory.
Baubles (1.12.2) or Curios API (1.14.4 and above) compatible! (Optional)
These only work when in your hotbar (any hotbar slot) or in the Body Baubles or Back Curios slot.
When equipped as Baubles (1.12.2) or Curios (1.16.4), they show up on the players back. A HUD element shows up when using a Quiver with a weapon as well.
New Enchantments:
Requires Java 8!
The 1.16.x versions of this mod are currently in Beta, as there will likely need to be more weapon balancing and fixes to be done before a full release.
Any Issues/Bugs/Balance Issues?
Let me know here:
Any language translations anyone can do would be greatly appreciated! Leave a comment below if you can provide one.
Here is the English version of the Language file here for anyone wishing to provide translations
1.12.2 - 1.4.0:
1.16.4 - 2.2.0 rc1: Contribute the translations for this version here:
The mod now has an API for making addon mods! For 1.12.2 and 1.16.4 only!
Find it here:
Modpack permissions:
Permission granted! No need to ask. If you have a interesting modpack including this in it, let me know! I would love to see it.
Plans for Future Versions:
List of Addons (needs updating):
Adds weapons made from materials from the Twilight Forest mod. Features some unique Weapon Traits/Properties as well! Find it here:
If you haven't already, check out my other mod, Spartan Shields!
Special thanks to xwerffx for most of the weapon art and ideas for the mod!
Sneak Peek [Last Updated 15 October 2021]:
Apologies that I haven't been active at all recently with this mod (and my other ones too). Various things have been eating my time (work, real life, etc.) so I haven't had much time to reply to anything recently. Not to mention CurseForge haven't been sending any email notifications lately so I haven't even seen any activity lately.
I have been busy recently with restarting development of the 1.12.2 version, mainly pertaining towards RLCraft v2.9 bugfixes and integrations. Not just that, but I've also been working on 2 other versions of this mod (1.16.x of course, but also the upcoming 1.18.x version).
to that, I've also been developing on and off 3 *new* mods! One of which is an addon for this one, another is a replacement for a certain HUD mod for 1.12.2 (if you're following RLCraft 2.9 development, you might know what that is) which might see a 1.16.x and 1.17.x version too. Finally the other one is a more basic mod which adds Ingots, ores, and other stuff for the modded integrations for both Spartan Shields and this mod too. I've definitely been busy recently.
Without further ado, here's the sneak peek of what is coming to Spartan Weaponry soon TM
New Features [only for 1.16.x and 1.17.x]:
IMPORTANT: I'm currently on the fence whether or not to keep the custom skulls I made in the mod, due to difficulties porting it to 1.17.1 (they changed the rendering system *again*), and due to other mods already containing most of them, e.g. Tinkers Construct. If I decide to remove them, I will add integration to add the Tinkers Construct versions to be acquired instead.
Throwing Weapon overhaul!
The 1.12.2 version (out now!):
The 1.16.x version (out now!):
Finally, the
1.17.x version
(going to be the 1.18.x version instead)
Note that the Copper weapons have been retextures to fit the vanilla Copper Ingot
Copyright Notice:
[1.12.2 version only] Crossbow Firing sound: "Bow Fire Arrow Sound" by Stephan Schutze is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0 (link: ) Source:
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